How Much Do Roof Solar Panels Cost? 10 Questions Answered
Home Solar Panels Video to show how easy to install. Even easier to install Commercial Solar panels. To get Solar installed properly you need a decent Qualified Solar Installation company. Maybe not a Lego company
How Many Solar Panels are Needed to Power your Home?
The question isn’t about how many solar panels you neeed, it’s about how many kilowatts or energy your Solar System will produce to cover your electricity bill, right!
Solar Panels these days are starting from 440w not like old ones that started from as low as 180w.
Therefore the average homeowner needs 15 x 440w solar panels to have 6:6kw Solar System which is a very common size for most homes that are a single phase in Melbourne. This will cover in most cases an average throughout the year approximately 26+ kilowatts per day. Therefore if you look at your electricity bill, see how many kilowatts you use per day, particularly during peak. So if you use 20kws at peak prices 30 cents per kilowatt per day {which is very cheap}, that would be 20 x 30 cents equals $6:00 per day. 365 days x $6:00 equals a potential saving of $2,190 per year! This will help with significant savings to your electricity bill and the cost with the cost of the solar panels and the installation.
We can determine for you and explain how big a Solar System you will need and the Return of investment you should get. Click here for more info OUR WEBSITE You can contact us for FREE advice on 1300556781
How to determine the size Solar System you need?

Another way to calculate approximately how big a Solar Panel System you may need is to look at how many kilowatt hours (kWh) you use in a year. Your monthly electricity bill should show how many KWh’s a day average you are using. However you will need all the months January to December to calculate the average for the year. You can call us 0n a mobile number 1300556781 and we will see if we can help you.
The size of your solar system and the amount of solar energy it produces for your home needs will depend on factors like panel performance, whether they are installed on a East roof, West roof and North Roof or a combination of these roofs. Other factors are, is your roof a colour bond roof, a tile roof or other types. The cost of installing solar panels to your roof depends on how big the installation job is.
You can call us to get a free Solar Panel Installation quote,
so you don’t all the hard work and we will explain how it works. You will even show a picture of where the panels fit on your roof for maximum solar energy.
The best part if we don’t think it is worthwhile installing solar on your home because it has too much shading, or some other reason we will have problems telling you. We don’t want to rip you off.
Solar prices in Melbourne and Victoria have dropped significantly with us. We are competitive great value solar panels and inverters.
For example a 6:6KW Solar Energy System {we install batteries too}
- The average cost for a 6:6kW solar system including installation and us paying for the 3rd party inspection which checks your solar system was installed correctly. {peace of mind to you}
- Would be approximately $8,440
- Minus The government rebate is $2060
- Minus VIC Solar Rebate of $1400 until about June 2024 [get it installed soon]
- Approximately Total costs $4980 with good brands
- If you want an accurate price please call 1300556781
- Prices have been going up due to shortages of panels and inverters
Regardless, the price for a Solar Energy system in 2024 with federal rebates, and the VIC Solar Rebate are Important to remember Solar panels installations are currently one of the best investments you can do.
7 Questions About Solar Panels

Therefore how much do solar panels installations actually cost? The real question should be, are they worth installing?
It all depends on the amount of solar energy you want to generate and the size of your system. The initial investment of the installation might seem a little more than we thought. However, the opportunity for potential huge savings on your electricity bills justifies the purchase, not just in the short term.
Are Solar Panels Expensive and R.O.I. slow?
In Melbourne and Victoria, Australia, this couldn’t be any further from the truth. Today withthe Federal rebates and the VIC Solar rebate programs and schemes that reduce the initial cost of a solar system.
Compared with other countries I reckon installing Solar in Australia is cheap. Especially now there is no better opportunities to get solar now before the rebates ends
Some of these Solar rebate programs also focus on battery storage, allowing you to save even more.
- Interest free loan of $1400
- Property tax exemptions
- Cashback
- Waived fees
- Expedited permits
- Check with your areas
Extra credits can vary by location. Depending on your state, you can receive extra incentives such as:
depending on your electricity bill, the size of your solar system, you can have a R.O.I. within 1 1/2 years to 5 years. If you had $7,000 for example you invested in putting solar energy system on your roof and it took as long as 5 years for your return of investment that would be 20%. Put that money in your bank maybe 2% R.O.I. HUGE difference!!
Will My Electricity Bill be Cheaper with a Solar Panel System?
Yes it will be a lot cheaper. I have learnt from personal experience we were paying $600 a month in November and December in Melbourne for electricity, the last bill was $6 We have installed on our roof a 6:6Kw system on a east and west roof. How to calculate your savings on electricity here
The solar panels we install now for you are better than what I have on my roof.
Here’s why. Use your solar energy as much as possible during the day and then that maximises your electricity savings by reducing your electricity requirements at night.
A good practice is you run your dishwasher, washing machine, dryer etc during the day instead of during the evening or night.
If your solar panels generates energy you don’t use during the day, you can receive a feed-in tariff. This is a credit on your bill that helps reduce your electricity cost.
If you want to save even more on cost of your roof panels get battery storage. Battery storage can have enough power stored so you don’t need use any from the grid overnight. They have a great rebate incentive in Victoria.
Do Solar Panels Affect a Home’s Rental or Resale Value?
No stress here. In most cases it adds value to the house. As for tenants or future tenants they would prefer solar power as it would reduce the electricity bills bills significantly.
Likewise there’s an increasing number of people turning towards renewable energy and solar power to meet their electricity demands. It’s clean renewable energy, affordable and will save you money now and in the long run.
The public Loves solar panels
Since solar energy is viewed so positively by most of the Australian public, it follows that this can be a selling point for the home. Research indicates that the more solar panels there are on the roof, the higher the value of the home – with an estimated increase of almost $6000 dollars per kilowatt of solar energy. This indicates a rise of over $29,000 in the retail value of the home for a 5kW installation. This is from Momentum Energy Website blog [Even for us this was a huge surprise]
Since the price of electricity is expected to rise in the future, the having home solar power will become even more advantageous.
This proves the cost of Roof Solar panels is a great investment and a great advantage in selling your house. It is probably better than renovating for Return of Investment. Interesting isn’t it?
Because electricity prices are expected to rise in the future, accessing solar power is all the more advantageous.
Do Solar Panels Need Lots of Maintenance?

This is one of the greatest fallacies about a solar system. You can thank the rain for cleaning your solar panels. Just don’t let dust build up, keep shading away [very important] and leaves etc.
In addition, most solar energy systems we install come with a minimum of 25 year performance warranties they are designed to last a long time.
After installation, you will have 3rd party inspection whom will check your system to make sure everything is all good, which will give you peace of mind. Evey so often just glance at your Solar system and see any potential issues. Another way to tell if you have solar performance drops by your electricity bill or via your solar app if it is setup at the start. Solar Panel arrays are designed with longetivity as their main feature and can even protect your roof from the elements.
How many solar Installations in Australia?
Australia has the highest uptake of solar installations globally, with more than 21% of homes with rooftop solar PV. As of 31 October 2020 more than 2.59 million rooftop solar power systems have been installed across Australia. … Furthermore A solar PV and battery system [ VIC Solar Rebate] offers the potential of off-grid energy self-sufficiency. paraphrased from energy website
Now is a better time to get Solar Power with the rebates. Australia has been slow in the uptake of solar and probably should world leaders considering the excellent amout of sunshine we get.
Particularly for businesses solar panel installation should be a no brainer, as they can save on the large electricity bills, plus claim the costs of installation. Unfortunately not everybody can get solar so please call us to see how much money you can save by installing solar. 0480264982
How can Solar save money although I not home much during the day?
You can still save significant money or costs via multiple ways. For example you can add a battery system so you can use your solar energy that you generated during ther day for night time.There is a Big VIC Solar Interest FREE $8,800 LOAN for battery storage to offset the expenses of installing them.
A big saving would be if you had hybrid or a electric car you could charge up each week.
You can install timers or use your appliances timers to have them operate when the sun shines to maximise your solar power your panels are producing. It would be nice to have aircon set when you get home it has already cooled your home when you walk in. For most usually you get home before dark therefore you can still use solar for a while. Most of the weekend many are still home to take advantage of a clean energy generator which is their roof solar panels. Due to the covrona virus many work from home to use their solar more.
- Using your washing machine, your dryers or dishwasher on timers during the day.
- Charging all battery-powered appliances during the day like cordless vacuums., mobile phones, tablets, battery operated hedge trimmers, whipper snippers and other battery operated garden tools.

How Much would You Save With a Roof Solar System?
You could save a real lot by installing a Roof Solar System. However having a business that knows what they are doing would help with Roof Solar Panels cost? If I was in your position this what I would look for.
Good Value!!! Value for money right!
1/ Decent Monocrstaline half Perc Solar panels. Somewhere between 22%plus efficency and at least 440watt panels. Something above average but not high end.
2/ Decent inverter again it doesn’t need to be high end. Minimum of 10yr warranty and a reasonable well know inverter that have had many installed in the last 10yrs.
3/ A map of where the panels are going to be installed on your roof to highlight the maximum potential of your solar panel installation.
4/ Call 1300556781 for more expert unbiased advice.