t’s hard to get an Energy Calculator or a Electricity Bill Calculator which is easy to use or to work out your power usage. Alternatively, you can contact us to give you a free quote {assessment} to determine what size solar system, or is worthwhile getting batteries as well. So what we are going to do for you is give you a basic way to calculate your energy usage, and read your electricity bill. Likewise if you are planning to get Solar panels you won’t be left in the dark.
Electricity Bill Calculator Example
On your electricity bill you will have an average daily Kwh you use a day. {quite often it is next to a graph}
For example: you may consume 20Kw per day.
Now check to see how much you pay per Kw to your electricity company. There normally is a peak and an off peak.
Go by the peak power. Again for an example lets say you pay 30 cents per kw {which is cheap energy from a electricity company}
Now you multiply the 20Kw you use by the 30 cents = Approximately $6:00 per day usage.
Now times $6:00 by 365 days {1 year} = $2,190 per year you pay to your energy {electricity} Company
You probably need at least 5kw solar system would be suitable for this size bill.
To work out more accurately your electricity bill or energy usage we are more than happy to discuss how we can save you money. Call us on 1300556781 and see how we can help
Solar Power is arguably the Best option to reduce Power Bills Quickly
Solar panels use the sun’s power to generate energy, which they then store in solar batteries.
Excellent for use on home roofs to save electricity costs.
With us, you may receive a total solar solution with an elite smart energy system for just $46 per week. Likewise with genuine 4:99% green loan from 2 years to 10 years, you get a large 10kw solar battery system, and 6:6kw solar panels. Obviously you have smaller payments over a longer period.
Once we’ve assisted you in obtaining the Victoria Solar battery Rebate.
Below this there is also another link to help you get a better idea of your usage and Electricity Bill calculations in the Melbourne Victoria area. link to energy calculator Victoria